
Mouse, (real name Villonah) first appeared in DL 2- Tastes Like Gricken as the target of the party’s quest. The rebellious daughter of Rillo Leadstopper, a Halfling tinkerer who grew up among gnomes, she constantly being arrested by the City Guard.

This time she had run afoul of the Black Fist and was imprisoned with a Grick to extract information about a map she stole from them. The map was hidden under a sheet of fake skin on the bottom of her foot and contains directions to (reportedly) a White Dragon lair.

In subsequent sessions Sao Ardo attempts to catch her eye as he has a crush on her. He’s not very successful, but eventually she starts coming looking for him – apparently because she has a job for the party. In DL 14 – Mine Furor (Egg-zackly!) Sao and the party go to Mouse’s house and talk with her imp friend, leaving flowers for her.

In most recent encounters Mouse has swooned repeatedly over the handsome and multi-talented Leon Ardo

Note: Mouse has an entry in the Knowledge section regarding her map.
