

LMoP 6 – Fire or Glass*

After coaxing Penelope the horse down from the tree you gather your things and make your way back towards town. As the forest begins to thin you catch a glimpse of a thick black cloud rolling around high in the air. A moment later you top a small rise and can see that the smoke […]

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Redbrand Hideout

LMoP 5 – Bugbearable

The party decides the fight isn’t hard enough and doubles their fun – another room of Bugbears get added to the battle Some party members die but at the last moment, some good rolls and the party survives. The same can’t be said for the Bugbear’s prisoner who got nuked in the moment They clear

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LMoP 4 – On to the Redbrands

As the dust of battle slowly settles and buzzing of flies builds near the pools of blood under the fallen Redbrands, a crowd begins to gather. A general murmuring is punctuated by the occasional cheer or outburst, “these Redbrands have gotten too big for their britches!” and the like. After a moment a man you

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