- DL 30 - 'Hand Jobs for the Holidays (With apologies to Broken Social Scene)
- DL 29 - Sanity Check
- DL 28 - Bill & Garth Something Something
- DL 27 - Yool be Choppin'
- DL 26 - Judah's Kiss
- DL 25 - Doomthinga 2: Electric Bugaloo
- DL 24 - No Place Like Home
- DL 23 - Qwigybo
- DL 21 - Degrassi Gnoll
- DL20 - Sorry to Bug You
- DL 18 - Stag 'n' Ho!
- DL 17 - Is it Weird in Here, or Is it Me?
- DL 15 - Crossing Over (Bandying About)
- DL 13 - Reinventing
- DL 10 Treehouse of Horrible
- DL 9 - Feeling Sheepish
- DL 8 - Fabtastic
- DL 7 -Weasel Con Carnie
- DL 5 - Meeting in the Dark
- DL 4 - Smells Like Town Spirit
- DL 3 - Have Another One
- DL 2 - Tastes Like Gricken
- DL 1 - Don't Drink This!
Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world.
I would die to recover an ancient relic of my faith that was lost long ago.
Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.