Grower’s Tape

Grower's Tape -

This roll of tape is 1 inch wide and 60 feet long. You can use an action to cut off a length of tape and apply it to a surface. The tape immediately decomposes and turns into fertile soil once it’s stuck to a surface. Plants rapidly grow from the soil, becoming fully ripe after 1 hour.

Roll on the table below once for every 1 foot of tape used to determine what grows from that stretch of soil.

d6Grown Plant
1A sickly mushroom. Boiling three of these for 1 hour renders one vial’s worth of basic poison.
2–5A cluster of random crops, which yield either 1 pound of wheat (30%), 1 pound of ginger (30%), 1 pound of cloves (30%), or 1 pound of saffron (10%).
6A vine grows from the ground to produce 1d4 berries, which function as if created by the goodberry spell.

If you use one or more strips of tape to enclose an area, the tape recreates either version of the plant growth spell (your choice) for all plants within that area. For example, you can use 20 feet of tape to enclose a 5-foot square, or 30 feet of tape to enclose a 5-foot-radius circle.

While Auntie was away, a stray spark from our lantern caught some of Auntie’s favorite bushes. The buds and petals were turned to ash, and the berries burnt to cinder. We had no idea how to fix it, and could only wallow in fear of the impending punishment. When she returned, she was, understandably, disappointed—but only for a moment. From her bag she drew a thin coil of green. She had us each take a long piece, and with it, surround the evidence of our mistake.

With the task done, we gathered our books as she settled in with her petaled pipe to continue our lessons. When it was time for tea, we saw that our folly had turned to fortune: a grand harvest had sprung from the ashes of our error.

“‘Tis not the things you break, children, but the way you put them back together.”


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