
A permanent encampent of high mountain shepherds within the Lost Wish mountains north of Ska R’wyk just through the main pass. Administered by Centara Hiddleton and her representative, Dwarf Granrus Proudguard

There are few proper buildings (some cottages, a few utilitarian buildings and workshops) other than the inn which is quite large as much of the population spends their time out in the wilderness with their massive herd-animals. Then when they come into town, many of them gather in the inn so it isn’t economical to maintain a house.

There are some scattered pens within which are the Mattekars that the people heard. These are massive mountain goat-like creature with thick fur and hides that are well suited to the freezing cold mountain environs. The few people seen outside, wear heavy furs and other winter mountain gear. Most people will be indoors while in town.
