The capital city of Ska R’yth, located in the northeast on the edge of the Last Wish mountain range.
Tough Times
Currently, it’s experiencing tough times. Less than a year ago, the city’s Lord Protector Anivar Duirun was killed in an apparent construction accident while inspecting renovations at Chalicmere Castle. Duirun wasn’t much of a Lord Protector and he isn’t widely mourned.
Because he left no heir, the Knight Commander of the Black Fist, Actir Bruhms, was declared the Lord Regent. Bruhms is an honorable but hidebound man, and Ska R’wyk has declined tragically under his guidance. The city guard is dominated by an underground element call the Black Fist. They swiftly dispense punishment but seldom justice. Their increasingly harsh methods are failing to preserve law or order.
The New Guard?
Without the city guard to protect them, the people have turned to two other sources; the city’s guilds (chiefly stonewrights, carpenters, ironhands, and merchants) and a criminal organization called the Welcomers. These six organizations are constantly at odds with one another over power in the city and, aside from limited exceptions among the guilds, are completely unable to cooperate for the betterment of Ska R’wyk.
Lord Protector Duirun had begun many construction projects around the city, renovating ancient buildings and reconstructing those damaged in recent wars. All of that work is halted since the city has no money to pay the guilds for their labor; half-built structures are everywhere and heaps of unused construction material clog the streets. Trade, too, has come to a standstill, leaving merchants with few legal ways to make a living.
The Welcomers
The Welcomers are openly criminal, and the once-honest guilds are only a few steps removed from being organized crime syndicates themselves. The Black Fist’s methods have made it and the rest of the city guard, the people’s enemy instead of their guardian, so most honest folk have retreated into the ranks of the Welcomers and the guilds for survival.
Recently a new guild of adventurers has arisen and gained the people’s trust…