Phandelver Notes

The party is currently in Phandalin, dropping off their rescued friends for some healing and re-supplyuing for their journey to the islands off the coast of Waterdeep

The Dark Council

Sildar Hallwinter has imparted the following information which has been collected from various agents around the Sword Coast

He tells of a nefarious coalition who have united to possibly take control of the Sword Coast (at least). These seem to be quite different and generally uncooperative “people”, that now   pool their knowledge and resources,  united by their twisted ambitions.

There is evidence not only of amassing a terrible army of abominations, but plans to sow seeds of distrust to weaken the free people’s socially, as well as targetting food production to physically weaken resistance.


Lady Vespera, who is a sorceress of some sort we believe, but can’t be sure. We don’t know her role

King Grohl [Dead]: Breeding/training/outfitting troops. Grohl abducts people to extract information about forgotten rituals, and forbidden knowledge. Unlocking the secrets of the Shadowfell to gain the ability to transform creatures into monstrous, super-powered versions of themselves.
– The party has witnessed elite Hobgolins (Warlords) being subjected to dark rituals. They fought one first hand
– A substance called Duskrime has been observed to be the catalyst/material ingredient for the transformation. It has a relation to the Shadowfell
– King Grohl was killed, but his camp and related operations remain
– It is unclear who leadership has fallen to

Lord Thalgrim: Sildar knows him. He’s a fallen paladin, doesn’t know his role , but he’s a master of deceit
– Related Rumour: []

Archmage Zorvax: known to be a a power-hungry mage, with a bent for weaponizing magic items. Quite possibly seeking the Anvil of Shadows
– Related Rumour: []

The Black Spider [Dead]: Tasked with securing the Forge of Spells, in order to imbue weapons and items for the purpose of outfitting the augmented troops
– Related Rumour: []

Sildar asked the party to help, as he has other tasks to get to. But to be careful as there are things in those woods more dangerous than King Grohl

Sildar’s Plea

Sildar hopes you can find what you can from Grohl, rescue Gundren and Garek, and if you can inflict any damage to the Dark Council’s plans along the way – all the better.

The Fate of the Sword Coast

Sildar warns that failure means an army of abominations, a realm in chaos, and gods appeased by bloodshed.

[[Coming soon]]


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Olwë Singollo

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