DL 30 – ‘Hand Jobs for the Holidays (With apologies to Broken Social Scene)

Falor Trivaxith, Lemme Oakstorm, Sao Ardo, Ted, Linkon Australia,


In which the party members get jobs as deck hands and annihilate some pirates about twice their level.

3450 gp
3 x diamond (50 gp),
8 x Assorted other gems (50 gp)

Quaal’s Feather Token (whip)
Horseshoes of Speed
+1 leather armor
+1 longsword and +1 shield *see below
a pair of tarot cards (The Lover and Seven Swords)
a mysterious clockwork device

Spell Scroll (Dimension Door)
3 x mystery scroll

Elixir of Health
3 x Potion of Healing
Potion of speed
Potion of Superior Healing
Oil of Slipperiness
Potion of Growth
Potion of Hill Giant Strength
a matched six vials of perfume in a pouch (30 gp, 1 lb)
a gallon cask of salted fish (3 gp, 15 lb)
a brass key
a small meteorite





Sword and Shield: The “Twin Relics of Thoren”

The Twin Relics were forged from a rare metal known as “Star Iron”, mined from the heart of a fallen star. The metalwork on both the sword and shield was intricate and identical, featuring celestial patterns that mirrored the night sky. Embedded within these patterns were precious gems – sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds – that sparkled with an otherworldly light.

It is believed that when aligning the swortd to reflect the visible constellations, the blade will point in the direction the beaerer wishes to go.

But what made these relics truly unique was an inscription etched onto both the sword and the shield. The inscription was in an ancient language, long forgotten by many. Scholars who studied the inscription believed it to be a clue leading to a lost trident, a religious relic of immense power.

The inscription reads: “Under the gaze of the Sea’s Sapphire, at the Emerald Forest’s edge, beneath the Diamond Mountain’s peak, the Trident’s power lies in wait.”

The Twin Relics of Thoren were lost to time, and their current whereabouts are unknown. Many adventurers have sought them, drawn by their power and the promise of the lost trident. Their search continues, adding another chapter to the legend of Thoren and his masterpieces.
