Olu Sundre, Malvolio, Sgt. Renanars Craw, Ser Giovanni Amphibliani di Rospo-Stagnoni il Ventunesimo (XXI),
Deadventurer's League
Deadventurer's League
The Lord Sage of Phlan summons the party, explaining that a thief, Spernik, stole valuable books about an ancient druidic cult (The Circle of the Scale) and fled toward the Dragonspine Mountains. His partner, Tibeem, was caught and executed, but Spernik escaped with the real information.
- The stolen books mention a druidic ruin hidden in the noerthwestern mountains, linked to a lost dragon-controlling relic.
- Spernik was seen leaving Phlan with a group of kobolds, heading northwest.
- Tibeem’s last words before execution hinted that they were trying to gain favor with a dragon (Scorlworyx).
- A recovered notebook (found in their room) contains a map fragment and a suspicious shopping list including “sheaf of vellum, chalk dust, leather case” (which suggests something ritualistic or magical).
- The Lord Sage offers 50 gp (each)for Spernik’s capture and 100 gp (each) for the return of the stolen books.
- The party heads out from Ska R’wyk into wilderness on a clear, pleasant day. They arrive at the standing stones indicated on the map fragment, just after dusk.
- After some brief exploration the party is attacked by some Kobolds and Winged Kobolds, which they deal with easily. One runs off.
Inside the Temple
- Searched initial areas – found robes in living space
- Sgt. Renanars Craw put one on (this gave undead creatures disadvantage to attack him)
- Found Ghouls and Zombie Hands trying to get through a door
- Dispatchged undead, smashed door in (critcal destruction)
- Encountered Spernik and 6 Kobolds
- Malvolio greased the floor under them and al the Kobolds fell prone
- Kobolds were quickly taken down, even those trying to flee
- Olu Sundre tried to subdueSPernik but Ser Giovanni Amphibliani di Rospo-Stagnoni il Ventunesimo (XXI) overruled with lethal damage
- The stolen books were retrieved, as well as a ring, a journal, a silver sword, among other items
- There was also what apopeared to be a partial key composed of coloured pieces.
- The remaining pieces were founbd in some trapped side rooms after some trial and error
- The key opened the final room revealing a an acient red dragon scale
- The party took the scale and returned the books for their reward.