After coaxing Penelope the horse down from the tree you gather your things and make your way back towards town. As the forest begins to thin you catch a glimpse of a thick black cloud rolling around high in the air. A moment later you top a small rise and can see that the smoke is definitely rising from the middle of the town, but is also covering the streets at ground level. You start to hear the sounds of chaos and can see the forms of people milling about somewhat frantically.
Schmuckluck seems to be getting increasingly uneasy: “No like. When work for Klark we no bother town because red clothes gang too strong. They protect. They not so strong now…”
Soon , out of the ground-level haze a familiar figure comes striding towards you. Sildar shouts, “What have you done? Never mind – no time for that now – The remaining Redbrands have apparently rallied around Glass Staff and are holed up in the Sleeping Giant Tavern – c’mon, lets go clean this up”
He spins on one heel and begins marching towards the Sleeping Giant. “Hurry up! There’s no time to waste”
As you make your way through the outer edges of the town, you are met by a frantic Elsa, “Oh my lords, there you are, quick come help – the Inn is on fire and everything is going to be lost!”
Sildar interjects, “If we let these guys get away this will be a problem forever. They will come back with forces that we will not be able to contend with. It won’t matter if the Inn survives or not…”
You were met by some dwarves guarding the entrance but they were quickly dispatched after Eranult cast a spell to make Olwe’s dick look smaller, while Tookit and Sildar flanked the building and entered it to apprehend GlassStaff, now that Sildar saw him, went on about how he was fulfilling his mission, the town was safer now, he was running things efficiently for the greater good. (which, turned out to only be partially delusion)
Tookit started to take out the trash and Sildar went to work battering GlassStaff with some non lethal blows until Murder Incorporated came through the front door and simply cut him down where he stood. Sildar was pissed and would have yelled at you except its hard to talk when your spine has just been shoved through your mouth by a brutal mace strike in your back.
After battle there was no time even to loot corpses… … before you had to rush out and make your way to the Stonehill Inn which was on fire, while Olwe stayed back to perform a ritual to help put Sildar’s spine back;.
You all took on different tasks to assist in the fire fighting as well as saving animals, which maybe because of his fey touchedness or general friendly personality or something Ernault really excelled a, and saving food and equipment from the kitchen which as soo n the fire was out, inpioored toblen to start big cookout and a celebration
Just as you were starting to unwind, there was a scream and you looked up the street to see Else, peppered with arrows screaming “Goblins” before falling over dead. Sure enough, up the road you saw about 30 goblins.
The mayor ran off at this point but Daran Edermath, clearly some sort of retired soldier or adventurer summoned a magical sword and started shouting orders. Soon townsfolk were scurrying back and forth, gathering any weapons they could find and taking up positions
- Hit the Sleeping Giant Inn with GlassStaff and remaining Redbrands in it. Tough battle, minor casualties for the party, but ultimate victory
- Headed to the Inn to try and save it
- NPCs saved from RedBrands go with Elsa
- Using a variety of skills: Dex/Acrobatics, Athletics, Survival, Nature, Animal Handling, Perception the party assisted
- Helped fire brigade, helped animals, saved people
- Took some damage but all was well
- Someone says to Tookit, “You remind me of that legendary little dude that is always in the stories about that Dark Elf fella – Reebus or some such”
- Just as things calm down… Goblins!
- An army begins attacking the town with drums in the hills and firey catapults launching terror